He struggled as if his life depended on it :-)

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We’ve had a wonderful day here today, sunshine, just below 0C (32F) and no wind (the night was really cold though but I don’t mind). I think I could love winter if this weather was the standard and the snow stayed away most of the time. Well it could fall some during Christmas but that’s it 🙂 I can’t see that it’s too much to ask for 🙂


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But clouds have come and covers the sky, snow will come tonight and it will continue to snow for two days. Well at  least the borders of the road will be visible again, I have big problems seeing them on my way to work in the dark because the grass is so dirty it has the same color as the asphalt. at first they predicted snowfall for the two coming days but now it looks like it will only snow tomorrow night. I’ll know when it happens 🙂


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I struggled with Sune today and I have to say he’s not a quitter 🙂 I think he found a dead vole in the ditch because I don’t think he had the time to find and kill one. I saw that he had something in his mouth and told him to spit it out, he refused so I opened his mouth and out fell that little vole. He was so quick that I didn’t have the chance to get rid of it before he took it again 🙂 🙂 🙂


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I tried to open up his mouth again and sort of shake it out of his mouth and he sort of locked it with his tongue 🙂 We kept on struggling for over two minutes until he finally gave up 🙂 🙂 🙂 I didn’t want to grab the dead rodent since some voles spreads the Vole fever, a nasty disease that can make us humans really sick even if few dies from it. It’s only the Forest vole that carries the disease but I really can’t see the difference between the different voles. Well the Water vole (Ratty in “The Wind In The Willows) is easy because it can become so much bigger than most of the others 23cm long or around 9 inches.


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We had come to the field where Nova is allowed to run around without a leash when I saw Hector behaving unusual. I called for him and he showed no interest at all in listening to me. Suddenly he reached for something on the ground and came running towards me. I shouted that he should spit it out and to my surprise he spat out a vole 🙂 He then stopped and took it again but I think he could hear in my voice that if he didn’t spit it out again I would shove my hand down his throat and pull it up from his stomach! He spat it out again, took a look at it and came to me 🙂 🙂 🙂


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We haven’t done much else today but time has just flown away. I did sow the last cold needing seeds I had so far and I’ve baked a bread but that’s it. I would like to take a nap now but it’s too late, I wouldn’t wake up until twelve tonight and most probably not be able to fall asleep again if I did 🙂 So I’ll make a pot of tea and see if there’s anything on tv worth wasting my time on.


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I tried to take a photograph of the rime on my cars roof this morning. Can You see that it's made from very thin sheets of ice chrystals? These are around 1cm (more than 1/3 of an inch) long.

I tried to take a photograph of the rime on my cars roof this morning. Can You see that it’s made from very thin sheets of ice chrystals? The longest are around 1cm (more than 1/3 of an inch) long.

Have a great day!

18 thoughts on “He struggled as if his life depended on it :-)

  1. Hi Christer,
    Love the last two photos of rime. It’s very delicate stuff. I like how you got the detail on the plant.

    Rocky doesn’t pick up dead things. He sniffs them but, now that he is not a street mutt anymore, he won’t touch them.
    My old dog Tegan had no such reservations. One summer day, when she was a puppy, we were walking along a busy road. Suddenly, instead of trotting ahead of me, she was lagging behind on the long lead. I noticed people driving by had odd expressions on their faces. When I turned to see what was going on, there was Tegan carrying a very dead ground hog that was almost as big as she was. She had her head up and was trotting along so proudly while bits of ground hog dropped off here and there. I had to do the whole thing you did with Sune except the remains weren’t frozen. Good thing I’m not squeamish. Guess who’s teeth got brushed when we got home? 😀 😀

    It’s snowing lightly here. Big flakes falling slowly. The pretty kind of snow. I think I will make some soup.
    Enjoy the day.

    • Hi Caryn!

      Rime is delicate, sneeze towards it and it breaks 🙂

      I laughed so much when reading about Tegan 🙂 🙂 🙂 I can see it in my mind 🙂 🙂 🙂
      None of the voles were frozen though, I saw a cat running away shortly before we reached the place where Sune found it. I’m so happy he didn’t really chew on it 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I’m not even sure we’ll get snow after all, it can be rain instead 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!

  2. absolutely amazing photos today, the touch of rose golen hue is amaing as well as the frost, its amazing how dogs will hold on to things they would be much better spitting out, sometimes the stinky rotten bits they seem to love the most, at least that’s the way its always been with our dogs,

    • Hi Laurie!

      It’s so much easier to take photo’s when I don’t have to hold my breath because everything would freeze if I didn’t 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Yes things dogs would eat if we didn’t stop them 🙂 🙂 At least none of these were smelling 🙂

      My dogs seems to prefer to roll around in rotten things, I’m not sure that’s better though 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!

  3. ooops, I meant golden, its amazing how many mistakes I make, I should stop commenting, lol, everything I write is a puzzle and I spend sometimes longer correcting than originally writing, sheesh! Having this backwards brain is a pain sometimes!!!

    • 🙂 You should only know how many mistakes I do while writing. I have a tendency to press several letters at the same time and sometimes not even I can figure out what I tried to write 🙂 🙂 🙂


  4. Fy vad äckligt med en sork i gapet på Sune:( Antar att han inga pussar får idag:) Hoppas inte att det blir någon snö nu, det har varit nästan vårlikt nu ett par dagar om man bortser från frosten;) Ha det gott/Monne

    • Tjänare Monne!

      Nä inga pussar på ett bra tag 🙂 🙂 🙂 Tack och lov att ingen av dem tuggade sönder sorkarna de hade 🙂

      Vill inte ha mer snö, fast vi är ju bara i början av februari än.

      Ha det!

  5. Awesome photos, Christer! Our Lexie is the “hunter/killer” of voles, mice, chipmunks and baby rabbits. She brought a dead baby rabbit to me, into the house, and I was aghast!. She also cornered a big ground hog in our backyard, that was scary! I have never had to pull anything dead (or dying) out of her mouth though!
    Big SuperBowl game this evening so my husband and son will be watching. I will drift in and out of the room, but will most likely be reading, on the computer, or listening to music.

    • Hi Robin!

      I don’t mind them taking the occasional vole, there are plenty of them here and they die instantly so they don’t suffer. But I really don’t like it when they chew on them 🙂 🙂 🙂 Nova is usually the hunter in this family so I got really surprised when Hector caught one. After all, he and Orvar did let a rat walk around on them one winter 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I know people that will watch the Super Bowl over here too but I’m not one of them 🙂

      Have a great day!

  6. Wonder why dogs seem to love to play with dead things? Something in their nature, I guess!

    Glad you didn’t have to fight too hard to make them let go! Good pictures of the ice!

    • Hi Jim!

      I think both of them would have eaten their voles if they had the chance 🙂 I don’t mind my cats doing it but my dogs do lick my hgands rather often 🙂 🙂

      Sune was quite av fight for a while but Hector knows better 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!

  7. hi christer! teddy loves anything dead. for the first time ever she got into the garbage today. it was everywhere! she must have thought she hit the lottery. at least until she heard the tone of my voice. she dropped it and ran outside. she has rarely heard the term ‘bad puppy’ but she doesn’t like it one bit! joyce

    • Hi Joyce!

      My dogs seems to prefer to roll in dead things if they smell a lot 🙂

      Ah, the garbage all over the floor 🙂 It’s been a while since it happened here though. Orvar and Hector used to break in to the bag with the garbage in it and spread it all over the bottom floor 🙂 🙂 🙂 Old Viran was terrible too, now I laugh at it but back then ….

      Have a great day!

  8. Det finns värre saker än döda och ruttna sorkar! Jag lovar!!
    Penny var hopplös på att äta sånt som var äckligt. Första vintern vi hade henne så var det ruskigt kallt, men vi tog ju naturligtvis vår vanliga prommis på ängen utanför oss i Örby ändå. Det sprang alltid en massa människor på vägen utanför oss och så förbi Älvsjömässan – en slinga på ett par km – och det gjorde väl någons mage gått igång. Så när vi hade gått en bit ut på ängen nära en liten skogsdunge så började hon bita på något – och jag rusade naturligtvis fram och försökte få henne att släppa den frusna korven.
    Men se, det gick inte utan jag fick bända upp hennes mun och då visade det sig att den var bara frusen på ytan! Fyy faaen, vad äckligt det var!! Jag lovar – hon fick inte ge några pussar på flera dagar och mina vantar fick jag slänga!!! 😦 😦 😦

    • Hejsan Susie!

      Ja visst finns det, precis som du har jag varit med om människoskit också och det är fullständigt vidrigt. Framförallt om de dessutom rullar sig i det!!! Hände när jag bodde i Göteborg ett par gånger och det är minnen jag helst förtränger 🙂 🙂 🙂 Jag kan också berätta att vildsvinskit inte är långt från oss människors heller 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Ha det gott!

  9. I agree, I don’t want my dogs or cats munching on dead things.
    I know the cats get some mice now and then but the dogs?
    No, i don’t want them eating other animals…dead or alive.
    sadly, some of them do eat poop. 😦

    • Hi Cindi!

      Well dogs must eat meat and that is unfortunately other animals 🙂 🙂 🙂 But I’m not happy when they hunt themselves and eat it 🙂 All my dogs eat poop I’m afraid but Nova sticks to deer poop 🙂

      Have a great day!

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