Feels like spring in the air.


I can’t say that we have a wonderful weather but every now and again the sun shines and it is rather warm. But the wind is once again very strong and the rain falls on and off. Still it was so nice and warm when walking in the forest where the wind can’t reach that I had my jacket open. I’ve cleaned up the garden after my dogs and I think that is more or less all I’ll do outside today. We’ll have a walk or two more of course but this feels like a day best spent indoors.




Beatrice suggested yesterday that I might not have turned on the lid properly after filling up my car with petrol and that this might be the reason for why the engine light started to shine. So I went outside this morning and I’m pretty sure she’s right. Who does ever read the text on those lids? This morning however I did and it said that I must turn the lid until I heard at least three clicks from it or the engine light most likely would start to shine. I can honestly say that I never heard any clicks. I couldn’t turn the lid on especially hard on my little Mazda because something was wrong with that fuel tank so it created a vacuum in the tank. So naturally I did the same on this car šŸ™‚ But it looks as if they have to turn it of at the garage so I need to go there anyway, at least before the annual inspection.




The forest was filled with bird song this morning, at least it was before the wind got really strong and it was spring songs. I could hear both Trumpet swans and geese flying over my head but no cranes so far. I guess it’s just a matter of time until they come too, well we have one here already but one crane makes no spring šŸ™‚ This is way to early and a setback is bound to happen but oh how I wish it wasn’t šŸ™‚ Snowdrops are flowering in my garden and the Ussuri redberried elderberry bush (well I have two but the second one always seems to be close to death so I don’t count that one šŸ™‚ ) has already big flower buds.




All animals are sleeping at the moment and none seems to be eager to go outside in the wind. I think I’ll be joining them after this but first I need a pot of tea and perhaps something to eat. Yesterday I didn’t feel hungry at all and today that’s all I do šŸ™‚ I’ll put more fire logs in the stove so the fire in there won’t die while I’m napping. Ā I’ll turn on the radio so I can hear some from the Olympics but I guess I’ll fall asleep rather quickly anyway šŸ™‚




Have a great day!


12 thoughts on “Feels like spring in the air.

    • Hi Joyce!
      I’ve always liked the looks of SAAB’s and this one has no rust and that I like a lot šŸ™‚

      I had the old one for almost four years.

      Have a great day!

  1. HI Christer,
    Lovely car. Looks good sitting in your drive. šŸ™‚ Beatrice is right about the gas cap business. I didn’t believe it either when I got my new jeep back in 2004. It’s true. You must hear three clicks and then all will be well with the gas tank. Of course my mileage is now well past the preprogrammed point where the light comes on so my light is on sporadically. It glows for a while and then it shuts off only to come back on again a few weeks later.

    Bertil looks like he has had a good winter. šŸ™‚

    It’s supposed to be sort of sunny and in the 50’s F here today. Nobody told the weather though and it is icy. The sand truck came by around 4AM this morning. It came by very loudly and flashing all it’s lights. Twice. And it backed up with the backer beeper warning on. Sigh.

    Enjoy the day.

    Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you that I sent you a postcard a few weeks ago just for fun. I hope the Swedish post office has done it’s duty. šŸ™‚

    • Hi Caryn!

      I do like it šŸ™‚ But what an insane idea to make the engine light shine just because the lid isn’t screwed on as hard as they think it should be šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ At least now I know why it shines and the previous owner said it sort of shines every now and again šŸ™‚ So I better get used to it. As soon as I saw it yesterday I came to think of Penny and her car in Big Bang Theory šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

      Teodor has had a good winter and he’s now fatter than ever. The problem is that he seems to get food everywhere around here so I could stop feeding him and he wouldn’t lose a pound šŸ™‚

      It was supposed to be, as they said, very cloudy here today so the sun is a bonus. But the wind is stronger than it has been in a long time. Well it’s warm so I don’t complain. I’m glad that the only thing making lots of noise here is the garbage truck, he comes once every forteen days and after I’ve gone to work šŸ™‚

      No postcard so far and I know that secveral of the christmas cards I posted that should have arrived in the USA never did. I’m holding my thumbs so it arrives! The card to Brazil did actually arrive, after six weeks šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  2. Christer, hope that the gas cap was the only reason for the engine light, but Grenville wanted me to make sure he gets the credit for the solution. He also suggested that you can forward $79.95 for his “free advice” and, of course, he is just kdding about the money. He was happy to help and he had the same problem as Caryn because he also has a 2004 year Jeep. And, since I also have a Jeep, we NOW know that this could be an easy fix. Let us know what the gas station says about it.
    Nice to see the greens and browns again, same her with no white cover. Enjiy the weekend!

    • Hi Beatrice!

      I think it is because the seller (garage owner) sounded really surprised when I called him. I now understand that it takes almost nothing to make that light shine šŸ™‚ I think most people coming here read all the comments so everyone will now know that it’s Grenville that knew the answer šŸ™‚

      But I must say that it’s rediculus to have such a thing making the engine light shine! What on earth were they thinking of when actually believeing that was a good idea??? I can’t imagine that the engine is so sensitive that a lkoosely screwed lid could effect it in any way šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

      It feels like spring but it smells lika autumn out there and I’m glad as long as nothing reminds of winter šŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  3. Hi Christer! Love your new SAAB!! The color is very nice, I am partial to blue cars. We have a blue 4 x 4 Jeep (you need a 4 x 4 in this country). Your pictures are fantastic. The first one with the rain drop on the branch is a winner! Have a great day!

    • Hi Dianna!
      I like that blue color but my absolute favorite color is blood red. We sometimes paint things in that color at work and we all like it a lot but it’s just a pain trying to clean away in the paint box šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

      Almost no one needs a 4 x 4 in this countrty but almost all people owning them lives in the big cities šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

      I do like that photo to so that’s why it’s the first we can see šŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  4. Great photo’s, as always! You can tell that Teodor hasn’t been out hunting and scouting about as much as Bertil. Not as lean and mean looking. He is really pretty..
    Your new car! It’s beautiful, A lovely blue and looks like lots of room in the back as well. I’m glad you solved your “engine light” mystery. I haven’t checked mine yet..but the light has been off lately..(I seldom drive it) and then it will suddenly appear. There is a rattle in my dashboard..but not sure that has any bearing on the light.
    Look cold outside where you are, even without the snow. You hardly had much of a Winter so far. Not like the usual.

    • Hi Mona!

      I’m glad You like them šŸ™‚

      Yes Teodor is a lazy, fat and extremely kind cat šŸ™‚

      I do like how this car looks and how it feels to drive it. I’m also glad that I understand why that light shines in the car šŸ™‚ But I do think it is an idiotic idea to make that light shine just because the lid to the petrol tank isn’t screwed on as tight as they want it to, couldn’t they just have oput in another light for that?? From now on I won’t worry about that light at all šŸ™‚

      It was actually quite nice outside as soon as we walked where the wind didn’t reach us, despite the rain that came now and again.

      No this winter we’ve been lucky šŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

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